Membership Q&A’s
- We are the best way for businesses to cost effectively network with other businesses.
- The Twin Cities North Chamber is here to represent and serve the interests of businesses.
- Collectively our voice is much stronger than the voice of one business. If you are not a member, you are not a part of that collective voice.
- Your business peers are currently supporting the organization ... it is a smart and community-minded investment for your business to make.
- To be visible and active in the community, joining your local chamber is the one of the best ways to accomplish this at the least expense.
- Our Chamber is an advocate for the business community on many local and state issues.
- Our Chamber provides other community partners a link to our business members for the purpose of making the communities we serve a better place to reside, work and do business.
- Our Chamber hosts numerous networking events during the year including our Gala, Golf Tournament, Annual Meeting, Holiday Social, Business Expos, Breakfast Networking  and Members Connect.
- Our Chamber hosts quarterly breakfasts that combine networking opportunities with education on timely topics of interest to our business community.
- Our Chamber works with business/education partnership initiatives that help our community...s youth and also develops our future workforce. This includes our Manufacturing Cohort
- Our local Business Councils serve to connect local stakeholders and businesses on important issues and concerns.
- Our Chamber sponsors career fairs for students.
- Our Chamber publishes newsletter articles dealing directly with issues relating to your business.
- Our Chamber serves as the front door for new residents, visitors and those considering moving or locating a business here.
- Our Chamber serves a referral resource for people and businesses searching for a particular goods or service.
- Our policy is to refer only Chamber members.
- Our Chamber actively promotes our communities and our members to those outside our area
- Our Chamber is on top of local development issues to keep our members informed on issues that may impact their business.
- Chamber Newsletter - Promote your business with an ad or insert in our monthly publication mailed to all Chamber members. Distribution: 450
- Membership Directory - Classified and alphabetical listings of all Chamber members online
- Chamber website- impressions every time someone goes to our website and views solutions.
- Special events- providing digital delivery of your message and brand
- Annual Meeting - Held in August
- Ambassador and New Member Reception Monthly 3rd Wednesday 3:30-4:30
- Business Councils - Held monthly in various Twin Cities North communities - discussions on local topics, issues, economic development, and more!
- Breakfast Networking - Held monthly that shares trending topics
- Ribbon Cuttings and Grand Openings- meet new businesses
- Business Seminars - Workshops and seminars for professional development, business information and employee training
- Committees and Task Forces - Make contacts through varied Chamber and community programs
- Annual Golf Event
- Gala Fundraiser
- Annual Holiday Social for a cause